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Augustus of Prima Porta – Wikipedia

Augustus of Prima Porta (Italian: Augusto di Prima Porta) is a 2.03 m high marble statue of Augustus Caesar which was discovered on April 20, 1863 in the Villa of …

Augustus – Wikipedia

The statue known as the Augustus of Prima Porta, 1st century. 1st Roman Emperor; Reign: 16 January 27 BC – 19 August AD 14 (40 years) Predecessor

Augustus (Roman Emperors) Busts, Statues, Information, Coins …

1. Bronze statue of Augustus The First Emperor of The Roman Empire's bronze statue can be found at Archeological Museum of Athens.

The Statue of Augustus of Prima Porta … – The Roman Empire

The skirmishing formation is essentially the opposite to the closely packed line of battle used by legionaries. It is a widely spaced line. Every second man of the …

Augustus Caesar PBS – PBS: Public Broadcasting Service

Adopted by Caesar, Augustus (c.62 BC – 14 AD / Reigned 31 BC – 14 AD) had to fight for his throne. His long rule saw a huge expansion in the Roman Empire and the …

Historical and Religious Busts –

Looking for historical bust & religious famous busts for sale? gallery of busts has sculpted portraits of biblical and secular figures of historical renown …

Statue: Definition, Types, Materials, Tallest Statues

Spring Temple Buddha (2002) Lushan County, Henan, China. Depicting Vairocana Buddha, this is the world's tallest statue. Height of Statue: 420 ft. 128m.

Augustus – Ancient History Encyclopedia

Augustus Caesar (27 BCE – 14 CE) was the name of the first and, by most accounts, greatest emperor of Rome. Augustus was born Gaius Octavius Thurinus…


In the widest sense of the term, sculpture is the art of representing in bodily form men, animals, and other objects in stone, bronze, ivory, clay and similar materials

Augustus von Primaporta – Wikipedia

Als Augustus von Primaporta bezeichnet man eine 2,04 m hohe Panzerstatue des ersten römischen Kaisers Augustus. Benannt wurde sie nach ihrem Fundort in Primaporta …

Augustus von Primaporta – Wikipedia

Als Augustus von Primaporta bezeichnet man eine 2,04 m hohe Panzerstatue des ersten römischen Kaisers Augustus. Benannt wurde sie nach ihrem Fundort in Primaporta …

Augustus, Roman Imperial Coins of, at

Browsing Roman Imperial Coins of Augustus. Octavian: Senator, Consul and Triumvir from 43 BC; de-facto sole ruler from 27 BC; proclaimed Augustus, emperor 12 BC – 14 AD.

Nicolaus of Damascus, Life of Augustus

The Life of Augustus, by Nicolaus of Damascus, ranslated by Clayton M. Hall

Statue – Wikipedia

Eine Statue oder Standbild ist eine in der Regel von einem Bildhauer geschaffene freistehende Skulptur oder Plastik, die eine Person, eine göttliche Figur oder ein …

Auguste — Wikipédia

Auguste (Augustus), né sous le nom de Caius Octavius le 23 septembre 63 av. J.-C. à Rome, d'abord appelé Octave puis Octavien [n 1], porte le nom de Imperator …

•The Roman Empire in the First Century: Tiberius –

Never the preferred heir, Tiberius (42 BC – 37 AD / reigned 14 – 37 AD) soon showed why Augustus had wanted someone else. His political inability, poor judgment …

Auguste de Prima Porta — Wikipédia

Augustus Prima Porta est le nom donné à une statue en marbre blanc de l'empereur Auguste, de 2,07 m de hauteur [1]. Elle a été découverte le 20 avril 1863 [2 …

Kolossalstatue Kaiser Augustus (30 v –

Klossalstatue Kaiser Augustus (30 v – 14 n.Chr.) nördlich der Alpen im Allgäu – Fund eines Römerkopfes im Allgäu – Sensationeller Fund von 1994 in Weiler im Hausbach

Viaggio nei Fori – Roma sito web ufficiale

THE PROJECT. While spacing on various aspects of the Roman world, the story is still anchored to the site of Augustus, creatively using the remains of the Forum to …

Augustus of Prima Porta – Wikipedia

Augustus of Prima Porta (Italian: Augusto di Prima Porta) is a 2.03 m high marble statue of Augustus Caesar which was discovered on April 20, 1863 in the Villa of …